Phantast Staffing Services

I’m finally posting some of my old works. Don’t expect any major updates to them unless someone throws money at me. Better to keep moving forward and keep learning, I think, than to revisit something done some time ago.

Of course, that doesn’t mean it’s not new to some of you.

Here’s my webcomic, Phantast Staffing Services, which ran from March 2004 to October 2005, archived in its original php.

Here are the first of my LEGO comcis, because I think they’re neat and I keep forgetting what the links to them are. LEGO 1, LEGO 2, LEGO 3, LEGO 4, LEGO 5.

Finally, in the posts below is my first book, a fantasy novel titled, “The Nameless Sword.”


Hmm. Gonna have to rewrite code to get this image full size. Bugger.